Saturday, November 3, 2012

Legal Immigrants Got Most New Jobs Under Obama - Ominous Planet

"A new analysis of government data shows that two-thirds of the net increase in employment since President Obama took office has gone to immigrant workers, primarily legal immigrants. Although the level of new immigration overall has fallen, legal immigration remains very high. While economists debate the extent to which immigrants displace natives, the new data make clear that there is no general labor shortage in the United States. This analysis calls into question the wisdom of bringing in more than a million new legal immigrants each year at a time when the employment situation remains bleak." Source: Center For Immigration Studies.

Note: The main explanation we're given for the federal government's immigration policies is that the birth rate in the US is declining and we need more workers to help fund Social Security and other retirement benefits for the aging Boomers. The number two explanation is that we just don't have enough workers, both skilled and unskilled, to meet the demand. The supposed lack of skilled technical workers, in particular, is a constant theme of creatures like Bill Gates and other high-tech industry types who keep pushing for more H1B visas.

Both explanations are nonsense, of course. The U.S. does NOT have a labor shortage; it just has a shortage of laborers willing to work for slave wages. And there's no shortage of skilled workers for the high tech industry, either. These corporations like H1B workers because they're cheap. That's all. The mindless drive to maximize short-term profits has led companies like Apple to move most of their production to China, where the factory conditions are so bad that they have to install suicide nets around the worker dormitories to keep them from trying to kill themselves by jumping out of windows.

The two reasons listed above are just the most common public explanations, of course. The real reason for flooding the country with immigrants, both legal and illegal, has nothing to do with business needs or funding the government.


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